“Anything distinguished from the ordinary is so because of the mana it possesses.”

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia

MaNA is an Architectural Design firm, that operates out of Burlington, Ontario and is intent on designing spaces that are imbued with a sense of place. MaNA draws inspiration in the cultural threads that tie, strengthen and energize society into cohesive, well-woven communities. MaNA is a conglomerate of skilled Designers and Architects who share the understanding that the role of Architecture is to be the platform on which life unfolds: that a well-planned and designed environment, can support the development of an individual’s mental and physical well being. MaNA is experienced in handling a wide range of projects including Residential, Commercial, Municipal and Institutional.

The MaNA team have spent the better half their careers designing and implementing Architecture for firms across the globe. Our experience working together to deliver successful projects under various organizations has proven our competence and capability to break out and serve our communities with a keen understanding of global practices. MaNA intends to work with each client to understanding their specific needs and ensure that we address them holistically, sustainably and efficiently.

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Open Hours

Mon – Fri: 9am – 7pm
Evenings & Weekends by Appointment


